Upcoming Workshops and Events
When it comes to workshops, I'm an exuberant facilitator. I truly enjoy passing on some of the tools and other information I consider myself fortunate to have acquired over the years.
If the dates of my public events don't suit you, maybe you'd like to put your own group together for a private workshop! It's pretty simple and the price is right.
TEACHING LANGUAGE: The event will be taught in the language that is used below to describe it.
Quick Calendar
• Jeudi, le 2 JAN • de 10h30 à 12h00 (HSE) •
Cercle de guérison (FRANÇAIS)
Type : Cercle en ligne
• Wed, JAN 8th • 11 AM to 12:30 PM (EST) •
Healing Circle (ENGLISH)
Type: Online circle
• Thurs, JAN 16th • 7 to 8:30 PM (EST) •
Intro to Tapping (ENGLISH)
Type: Online circle
• Wed, JAN 29th • 11 AM to 12:30 PM (EST) •
Healing Circle (ENGLISH)
Type: Online circle
Cercle de guérison (français)
Date : Jeudi, le 2 janvier 2025
Heure : de 10h30 à 12h00 (HSE)
Coût : 30 $
Lieu : En ligne, chat vidéo via Zoom
Contacter Kelly : 514-770-1608 - Inscription/Questions
Je propose une fois par mois (le premier jeudi du mois) un cercle de guérison en ligne en français.
J'utilise quelques techniques holistiques puissantes (EFT-tapping, Havening, des outils basés sur les mots, et tout ce qui me vient à l'esprit au fur et à mesure que nous travaillons) pour libérer de l'énergie bloquée, changer les pensées négatives et réduire la détresse émotionnelle dans le corps. À la fin de notre temps ensemble, nous avons toujours plus de clarté et de détente concernant ce sur quoi nous nous sommes concentrés.
Nous travaillons sur toutes sortes de problèmes (l’amour de soi, les relations, les finances, le travail, le stress général ou le sentiment d’être dépassé...) et sur toutes les émotions (la colère, la tristesse, la peur, la culpabilité, la honte, etc.) qui te tracassent.
Faire ces exercices de 'tonification énergétique' ensemble, c'est une façon de prendre soin de soi. Aussi, ça nous fournit un sentiment nourrissant de communauté. Tout ça aide à réduire les niveaux de stress, ce qui nous fait nous sentir mieux, et nous donne souvent la clarté nécessaire pour faire des choix de vie plus conscients.
Tous sont les bienvenus car il est facile de prendre part même si tu n'as jamais utilisé les techniques auparavant. Je suis toujours là pour te guider.
Inscris-toi pour recevoir le lien Zoom pour te joindre.
Partage cet événement avec toute personne qui pourrait en bénéficier.
Si tu as besoin d'autres informations, me contacter.
See below for information on the English healing circles and reach out if you have any questions.
Healing Circle (English)
Next Dates:
Wednesdays, January 8th and 29th, 2024
Time: 11 AM to 12:30 PM (EST)
Cost: $30
Location: Online by Zoom video chat
Contact Kelly: 514-770-1608 - Registration/Questions
I offer online English Healing Circles every second and last Wednesday of the month. I use a few powerful holistic healing techniques (EFT-tapping, a word-based tool, Havening and whatever else comes to mind as we go along) to liberate blocked energy, shift negative thoughts and reduce emotional distress in the body. By the end of our time together, we always have more clarity and relaxation around whatever we've been concerned about.
We work on all types of issues (self-love, relationships, finances, work, general stress or overwhelm) and emotions (anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, etc.) that are upsetting you.
Doing these “energetic toning” exercises together a couple of times a month is a great form of self-care. It also brings us a nourishing sense of community. All this helps to reduce our general stress levels, which makes us feel better, and often gives us the clarity needed to make more conscious life choices.
All are welcome as it’s easy to follow along even if you’ve never used the techniques before. I’m always there to guide you.
Register to receive the Zoom link to join.
Share this event with all those who could benefit.
If you need more information, contact me.
Voir plus haut pour les infos sur le cercle de guérison en français. Me contacter si tu as des questions.
Intro to Logo (English)
Date: Thursday, January 16th, 2024
Time: 7 to 8:30 PM (EST)
Cost: * FREE *
Location: Online by Zoom video chat
Contact Kelly: 514-770-1608 - Registration/Questions
Have you heard of the self-help technique called Logosynthesis? Probably not! It's not a very well-known healing technique but it's very powerful and so easy to use.
If you are curious about what it is, how it works, what it looks like, how it can help you feel differently, I invite you to join us in this online *FREE* event where I will talk about it, demonstrate it and answer as many questions as we have time for.
Logosynthesis can help with all types of issues (self-love, relationships, finances, work, general stress or overwhelm) and emotions (anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, etc).
It's a very simple technique that's easy to learn and to use on your own. My favourite types of techniques.
Here is the Zoom link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83639664735?pwd=7ERbZiY9HcwL2hBQbFDT6aWFCusORm.1
For any questions you have beforehand, reach out.
I look forward to seeing you there!