What my clients and students are saying:
Entheogen Journey Integration Coaching Testimonials | Exploratory Hypnosis Testimonials
EFT Coaching Testimonials | Workshop Reviews
Entheogen Integration Coaching Testimonials
Kelly has the gift of channelling whatever has to be included in the flow of the conversation concerning the participant to help them move forward, even if it doesn’t relate to her personal experiences, nobody owns all the experiences. It goes from mirroring our own thoughts to integrating the most disturbing mystical visions, an indispensable key for anyone trying to achieve self-realization. Forever grateful.
Exploratory Hypnosis Testimonials
I had the tremendous good fortune of coming across Kelly, as I searched for a hypnotherapist in the Montreal area. I had been doing in-depth inner work on myself for some time, and it came to my attention that there were some issues related to past life events which I could not access through my conscious awareness alone, and for which I needed hypnosis in order to bring to the surface. Kelly was phenomenal. She navigates the hypnosis process with ease and fluidity, while at the same time allowing my subconscious to lead the process and bring us to what we needed to uncover. She was extremely gentle, sensitive and compassionate as we moved through some very personal and painful experiences, while at the same time having the strength, presence and grounding to create a healing and processing space where I felt comfortable, supported, and safe. Despite the intensity of the emotional, psychological and physical traumas that I essentially relived during our sessions, at no time did she lose her footing or falter in holding that space for me. That was tremendously important and meaningful for me. What also stood out for me, was that Kelly was able to consistently accurately judge when I needed guidance, and when I needed simply to follow my own lead, always honoring the directives that came from within me. There was one particular beautiful moment that I will never forget, where a divine and vulnerable aspect of myself, which had closed itself off from feeling, was questioning its purpose in life. Magically, Kelly knew exactly what to say, which allowed a beautiful unfolding and healing to occur. It was such a powerful healing moment. Thus, beyond her compassionate presence and technical skills, Kelly is also in touch with greater powers which guide her in her work. I am extremely grateful to have been able to find Kelly, when I needed this kind of support. I definitely highly recommend her to anyone who is serious about doing inner work through hypnosis.
Lisa A.
One-on-One Coaching Testimonials
Kelly is a wonderful healer. Her hands-on approach and easy to follow instructions made the session a pleasurable experience. She genuinely cares for her clients and wants you to get to the bottom of the issue, pushing you to get all the bad stuff out so you can move past what bothers you. I'd never done EFT (tapping) before and it proved to be an amazing new tool to add to my toolbox of techniques to ease anxiety and interrupt negative thought patterns. A good listener and skilled at pinpointing the right affirmations to get to the root of the problem, she also follows-up on the appointment to make sure the situation has improved and to offer additional advice/input if need be. This hypnotist/EFT Practitioner comes highly recommended.
Alan L.
As Kelly arrived at my house, right on time, with a smile on her face and a hug for me, I was immediately impressed.
I knew she was reliable and loved what she did.
We sat close together and, with a down-to-earth approach and great gentleness, Kelly asked me a couple of questions and immediately got to work showing me different ways of relieving my anxiety and fears by tapping. She introduced various wordings, more flexible phrasing, and explained to me how tapping can work very quickly when you identify why you're tapping, which fears/emotions are involved, how to separate them...
Kelly listened to everything I said and answered all my questions clearly. She had all sorts of suggestions I could use after she left and gave me free rein on when I would see her again. She encouraged me to do the tapping myself and
see how far I could get.
Later, Kelly wrote to me to give me even more ideas to help improve by well-being. She is very caring. Thank you, Kelly, for your help and your support.
Diane L.
As most people are, I was a little skeptical about tapping. I wondered how in the world tapping could help me with my issues of my past that have haunted me in my present. However, I was at a point in my life where I needed to make some changes. My health was going downhill, I was depressed and had anxiety, and I knew that things needed to change in order for me to feel better. I needed to learn how to approach and react to situations differently. I was willing to try something new—I didn't want medication, I needed something that would treat the root and not just the fruit of my pain and suffering and so began my journey with EFT. After my first EFT I was exhausted, and I knew there was something to it. I could feel myself changing and evolving. After several weekly EFT sessions with Kelly, I truly feel like a much better version of myself. I am still the same me, but now I am more peaceful, confident, lighter and overall happier. Words and the way people treat me don't affect me as they did before. I am able to think clearer about my situation without letting situations from my past predict my reaction.
Kelly is truly amazing at what she does. She is patient, kind and very authentic. She makes you feel comfortable and supported. I am so happy to have been able to work with her. Thank you Kelly!
Andrea S.
Kelly was really awesome!! She has a way to connect with you and how you feel that is remarkable, almost like she already knew me. She is very open-minded, sweet, lovable and loving. She really does have a gift for "tapping" into you, into the core of what you feel. I strongly recommend her to anyone who wants to grow, heal, get better in a positive nature that will stay with you. She shares the goodness around, she shines and spreads that everywhere she goes. I do plan to see her in the future. I really loved my experience with her. Thank you so much, Kelly! You are the best!!
Bibie B.
Kelly is a very sensitive and empathic practitioner. She is good at putting one at ease and establishing rapport, and skillful with her tapping phrases. Her skill enables the most pertinent issues and memories to come up for the client, and she is intuitive in helping release them. She has helped me immensely with both personal and work-related issues, and I always look forward to tapping with her.
Ange F.
I started seeing Kelly while I was receiving my treatments for breast cancer. At the time, I didn't know anything about EFT and I remember being a bit skeptical. I feel blessed to have met her because she has helped me tremendously on my crazy emotional rollercoaster ride! I have felt such release since I started tapping with her. I always feel so light after a session. Cry it out, burp it out or yawn it out! She helps me recenter and be less anxious and for that I am forever grateful! I highly recommend her to anyone curious to try EFT. She is amazing in adapting to your specific difficulties and is very perceptive.
Kelly carefully listens to you and makes suggestions of the type of phrases you can employ for your EFT tapping. Or you can use your own words and Kelly just changes certain words so you would be more specific. She is also willing to discuss new ideas with you and suggests how they can be used with EFT. She is willing to consider new possibilities yet is very knowledgable about standard EFT practice. She is open, considerate and sympathetic. She will never judge you and is willing to offer herself as an example of EFT working.
Susan G.
I believe Kelly has a great ability to see beyond what is being told throughout the session. I was very happy to have the opportunity to go through a full session with her. I was able to break through different patterns of thought and to eventually realize problems I didn't know I had. My spirit or self felt lighter after I left and I have no words to express how grateful I am for her time. In general, we worked on my fears and traumas. I was able to get over discrimination traumas that took place in different stages of my life allowing me to see what was the common point between them. I also worked on issues with my family and friends. I worked on so many things in a very little period of time and she opened up a big door for me to understand myself deeper and be able to work on my own. I have been working with EFT for a couple of months already and I have noticed a lot of difference. I am more calm and less aware of what is wrong in this world. I am more open to my own self and definitely closer to social interaction. I am less fearful and more brave and well I basically can't write all the things I have experienced because they are a lot. Thank you very much, Kelly.
Barbara P.
Kelly is a magnificent, calm and patient EFT Practitioner for me. I met Kelly through a classmate and was instantly taken with her genuinely caring nature. She is a very attentive listener and quickly picks up on the key issues and gradually helps peel away the layers, as she would say "like an onion". The only way to succeed is to try with helpful guidance, like Kelly.
Ann S.
Kelly was just wonderful during the one-on-one session. She was very welcoming and warm and very attentive and professional at the same time. After a few rounds of tapping, I have to say that I felt better than I did when I first walked in. By following her advice, and tapping on a few issues myself, I see more changes everyday in myself. I have more energy and am more at peace with past unpleasant events and feel more confident and happy. I am grateful that I met Kelly and for our session.
Thanks Kelly.
Radwa E.
Kelly is a good listener, she is welcoming, kind, generous and very patient. She truly believes in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and the freedom that comes from tapping them out. She is helping me do just that. Thank you !
Kelly was wonderful and helped me understand a number of old issues that seemed to have appeared lately in my life. Her non-judgemental attitude made me feel safe and I was able to relax into the work that we had done together. Fully grounded in her tapping and hypnosis techniques, it made me feel fully confident in her abilities to go into what was really bothering me, clean it up and release it while looking after my every need from beginning to end. Thanks so much Kelly for your wonderful presence.
Darryl S.
I was very blessed to meet Kelly Roughton at the West Island Cancer Wellness Centre. She is a very loving, kind, and deeply caring lady who wants to help you with all her power and puts you at ease the moment you meet her. Kelly is one of those rare, genuinely authentic and knowledgeable human beings that one meets once every long while in life. You quickly trust her because you immediately realize that she is there for you one hundred percent and wants to give you her all. God bless you Kelly. I am grateful to you.
Amal C.
Thanks so much for guiding me through those really powerful EFT sessions with you. I feel so fortunate to have met you.
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Since I did a 5-hour EFT workshop with Kelly, I have been "tapping" two or three times a day. It has relieved me of emotional stress and I am rarely depressed: if I get that way it does not last as long as it used to. Also I like myself more and have much more self confidence. A great experience that I would recommend to anyone who would like to feel better and be much less affected by negative emotions.
R. T.
Many thanks for showing us the TECHNIQUE to release our emotions. It is amazing how easy to learn and to practice it is and how great and quick results you get. Many many thanks Kelly!
Sofia M.
You did a great job of showing us how EFT can help us get what we want by being more aware of our emotions and consequently less controlled by them. Thanks Kelly!
Elizabeth C.
I loved the workshop. Have been practicing EFT every day since and am already noticing the benefits. Thanks, Kelly!
Kelly Roughton is a bright, smart and honest person. By sharing her true experience of EFT, she brings gently her students to openness toward the experience they are willing to live for and by themselves, using the same technique. I deeply encourage her in writing her life up to now, because she has a real talent in real life storytellings that hold a spiritual lesson. She is good in captivating her students and I am deeply happy of the workshop I had the opportunity to take with her. THANK YOU, MS. ROUGHTON! :)
Elyssa P.
I had a great time and a great break through during this workshop. It was beyond my expectations and I had immediate results in dealing with the post trauma of different events and surgeries. Thanks you very much.
Barbara P.
Emotional release! Let go of useless emotions…
Emmanuelle G.
Very practical.
Roch P.
Thank you for introducing me to EFT. It is my intention to use it more often in my life. Your positive energy shines through you to all of us. Keep up the great work. Best wishes and love,
Monica P.
Kelly was really organized, passionate and made sure to follow up and check that everyone was learning!
Diana S.
Kelly is a very good instructor. This workshop is very practical and you learn to adapt the technique in different environments (what can you do in a public place?). She is very attentive to people's needs and makes sure that her students use EFT in a way that is useful and meaningful to them.
Marie S.
Just a note to tell you how thankful I am for your time and energy given in this course [The ABCs of Holistic Healing]. I really enjoyed it. Thank you. With lots of love.
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